In Response to COVID-19

This policy was updated on 8/25/20 to clarify accommodations for individuals unable to wear masks for medical reasons. This change is italicized, below, but individuals interacting with Mira Krishnan LLC should read this entire page.

Mira Krishnan LLC, both as a company and in terms of Dr. Mira Jourdan (Krishnan)’s clinical services, is concerned about the health and safety of all the people with whom we interact. The purpose of this post is to inform our customers of steps we are taking in response to COVID-19. It is being released at this time because some aspects were not applicable prior to today.

  • First, other than clinical neuropsychology / psychology services, all face-to-face services provided by Mira Krishnan LLC were suspended effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020 and will remain suspended until further notice. This includes all face-to-face consulting services (that is, other than neuropsychology / psychology consultations or assessments) and all in-person, face-to-face public speaking activities.
  • All services including air travel have likewise been suspended until further notice.
  • During this time, we engaged in a variety of educational activities via social media, webinars, etc., and you can find these posts on Facebook or in our blog.
  • We have reviewed Executive Orders issued by Gov. Whitmer and abide by these directives and Michigan state law.
  • Pursuant to the definitions provided in these orders, we determined that Dr. Mira Jourdan (Krishnan) is a critical infrastructure worker, as defined within the orders, by virtue of her status as a healthcare professional.
  • The Governor subsequently issued Executive Order 2020-17. We evaluated the language of this order and deemed all in-person neuropsychological services to be subject to this order. No in-person neuropsychological services were provided between 3/18/20 and the issuance of this order, and thereafter, we elected to defer most in-person services.
  • During this time, we implemented secure, HIPAA-compliant telemedical options for some patients of Dr. Mira Jourdan (Krishnan)’s clinics, and referral sources were apprised of the option of telemedicine services, as clinically appropriate.
  • Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-97, we carefully reviewed OSHA standards and guidance as they apply to the activities of Mira Krishnan LLC. Of course, we have continued to carefully review the scientific literature as we come to understand COVID-19 risk mitigation, and we also reviewed CDC guidance and information from WHO.
  • Beginning 6/1/2020, we are resuming offering in-person clinical services at our location in Grandville, MI, pursuant to EO 2020-97 and 2020-96, which govern this. We continue to offer flexible options for our patients and clients to reschedule appointments based on their own assessment of their safety concerns
  • We have intensified cleaning protocols to disinfect surfaces throughout the clinic with which a patient may come into contact
  • We will screen patients on entry, as well as our own team. We reviewed multiple different screening documents. At present, the questions we will ask are indicated in the document attached, below.
  • We ask patients to wear cloth masks for their appointments, and disposable gloves are also available. We always make hand sanitizer available continuously to patients, and we will intensify prompts to patients to sanitize their hands during the appointment. For patients who present with a parent or caregiver, we typically only allow one adult to be present with the patient, unless alternative arrangements are made in advance.
  • If the patient or their loved ones is unable to wear a mask, Dr. Mira Jourdan offers telemedicine appointments using secure, HIPAA-compliant video telemedicine as an accommodation. This is the only form of accommodation that will be made for all individuals who cannot wear masks, including any children who are exempted from mask requirements because they are under the age of six years of age. Please note that, if you are seeing Dr. Jourdan for an examination through a third-party agency (e.g., if you have been referred for an independent medical examination), the agency involved must approve the use of telemedicine. Based on the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, all individuals who are unable to wear masks in appointments in our office, who are also unable or unwilling to complete a telemedicine appointment, may request an appointment after pandemic-related restrictions no longer impose a need for masks (these appointments would depend on availability at that time).
  • Neuropsychological evaluations do not typically involve direct physical contact, and extra spacing is implemented in the office to reduce physical proximity
  • Our facility is low capacity and sees a single patient at a time, so that we do not anticipate any significant crowding of our lobby.

Even at this phase in our global response to COVID-19, there continue to be rapid new developments, and we will be continuing to respond to them and refine our safety protocols.